日本 剃刀 寿王 籐巻 砥粉 箱\r程度よく、切れ味も良いです。おすすめ 柄が若干長めです。\r髭が剃れる程度に天然砥石、コードバン革砥で研ぎ済です。\rそのままお使いいただけます。超仕上げ、調整はお好みでどうぞ。\r75%アルコール消毒済\r\r砥の粉 (正本山 混合)天然砥石のみの粉です。\r研ぐ時に砥汁をつくり研ぐとはやく良い刃がつきます。\r\r\r名人研ぎ参考にどうぞ \rhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dp6QJTmnvs&t=54s\r\rよろしくお願い致します。\r\rJapan Razor blade, Jyuoh-, rattan wrapped, paulownia wood box, polished \r\rGood sharpness. Especially recommended.\rIt has been sharpened with a natural whetstone and a cordovan leather whetstone to the point where you can shave your beard.\rYou can use it as it is. Super-finishing and adjustment can be done as you like.\rDisinfected with 70% alcohol\r\rGrinding wheel powder (Shohonzan mixed): Natural whetstone powder only.\rWhen sharpening, make a juice of the whetstone and sharpen it to get a good edge quickly.\rIt can also be used for artificial whetstones.\r\rPlease refer to the Japan Razor Master Sharpening Reference \rhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUN7NLf03rQ\r\rThank you very much for your cooperation.\r\r#天然砥石\r#KANAYAMA\r#Razor\r#Kamisori